ADVOCACY Members of NRPA's Business Council, Board of Directors and Advocacy Committee joined NRPA staff in Washington, D.C., to support NRPA's legislative agenda. Business Community Advocates for Parks and Recreation By Kyle Simpson n July, more than 30 members of NRPA's Business Council, Board of Directors and Advocacy Committee joined NRPA staff in Washington, D.C., for a quick but effective advocacy trip in support of NRPA's legislative agenda. This was the first time these groups gathered to advocate for the issues that are important to the park and recreation field. I 22 Parks & Recreation | SEP T EMBER 2 0 2 4 | PARK S ANDRECRE AT ION . OR G Advocacy in Action The day started with a panel discussion I was honored to moderate that brought together NRPA Board Member and Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation AP Diaz and representatives from both the United States Departments of Interior and Housing and Urban Development. The federal representatives spoke about the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Community Development Block Grant programs, while Diaz shared how his department has utilized both programs. Spreading the Message Following the panel, attendees were trained in messaging and protocol for congressional meetings. We then headed to Capitol Hill for our advocacy work. Attendees enAttendees shared with Congress the importance of passing the Outdoors for All Act.