May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 13

back up broken equipment.
By 2020, one year after Burnett's idea, the electric
conversion was underway. Every time a gas-powered
tool died, it would be replaced with a battery-powered
version. However, replacement through attrition was
not going as quickly as planned, so Montgomery Parks
broadened the mission to the whole department and
secured a budget to pay for it. The new goal, which was
met in 2023, was to replace all 700 tools.
Engaging Staff
Some staff had concerns about the switch, unsure if
electric equipment would prove as powerful as the
gas-powered versions and whether it might potentially
require more time to complete their work. A committee
was formed to research the equipment options and
vendors were brought in to demonstrate equipment to
those who would be using it.
" I explained the benefits of the new equipment and
after they were able to get the string trimmers in their
hands, they were happy with the results, " says Meadowbrook
Park Senior Manager David Fisher.
Learning on the Job
Trial and error guided the conversion. At first, Montgomery
Parks purchased various brands of equipment,
always searching for the lowest price. However, in time,
sticking with one brand proved more efficient, because
batteries from the same maker are interchangeable.
Charging technology also is evolving. Initially, electricians
outfitted storage rooms with rows of shelves and
hundreds of outlets, resulting in a jumble of gear that may
or may not get plugged in at the end of the day. Eventually,
the charging rooms were replaced by trailers outfitted
with tools and outlets for a five-person crew. Every day,
each crew hauls the trailer to the work site, uses the tools,
then plugs them into the trailer outlets when finished. The
entire trailer is plugged into a 220-volt outlet back at the
maintenance yard at the end of the day.
Ahead of the Curve
Montgomery Parks' electric conversion of smaller
equipment is complete, a year ahead of schedule.
" When we first started, most electric offerings were
aimed at 'Harry Homeowner,' " says Todd Holmes,
southern regional operations manager at Montgomery
Parks. " Because this was a multi-year transition, we
have been experimenting while the industry made sigPARK
S ANDRECRE AT ION . OR G | MAY 2 0 2 4 | Parks & Recreation
nificant strides in technology. And where technology is
lacking we found alternatives, like blower attachments
or ride-on blowers, to get the work done. "
The Evolution Continues
The green revolution continues at Montgomery Parks
with the expansion of its electric vehicle fleet. The department
has 30 hybrid or fully electric vehicles on the
road and is gradually acquiring more.
Next up to be replaced are heavy equipment, like
zero-turn mowers, backhoes and loaders, all of which
are available fully electric. The big equipment carries a
big price tag, often tens of thousands of dollars more
than traditional machinery.
Burnett says the investment is critical for the future.
" This switch reduces carbon emissions and noise pollution,
which improves the safety of our park operations
staff and also supports our mission of environmental
stewardship. "
Christina Hudson is Public Relations and Outreach Specialist at
Montgomery Parks (

May 2024 - Parks & Recreation

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of May 2024 - Parks & Recreation

May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - Intro
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - Cover1
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - Cover2
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 1
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 2
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 3
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 4
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 5
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 6
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 7
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 8
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 9
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 10
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 11
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 12
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 13
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 14
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 15
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 16
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 17
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 18
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 19
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 20
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 21
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 22
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 23
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 24
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 25
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 26
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 27
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 28
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 29
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 30
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 31
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 32
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 33
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 34
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 35
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 36
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 37
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 38
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 39
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 40
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 41
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 42
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 43
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 44
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 45
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 46
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 47
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 48
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 49
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 50
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 51
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 52
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 53
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 54
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 55
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - 56
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - Cover3
May 2024 - Parks & Recreation - Cover4