Ashley Turner, 28 Social Media Manager, Charlotte County (FL) Ashley Turner's multifaceted career at the Charlotte County (Florida) Board of County Commissioners showcases her remarkable contributions to the industry. One of her standout achievements is her commitment to knowledge dissemination. Her regular contributions to the field through writing journal articles on topics around AI in parks and recreation and crisis communications demonstrate a dedication to sharing insights and best practices. Beyond the realm of knowledge sharing, Turner's proactive involvement in disaster response underscores her commitment to service in times of crisis. She recently spent 10 days deployed for Hurricane Idalia. This hands-on experience undoubtedly adds depth to her expertise in emergency management within parks and recreation. Vitisia Paynich is Executive Editor of Parks & Recreation magazine and NRPA's Director of Print and Online Content ( Michael Biedenstein, CPRP, AFO, is NRPA's Membership Engagement Manager ( Creating Equity-Based System Master Plans NRPA's online tool can help you create master plans grounded in equity and inclusion. PARK S ANDRECRE AT ION . OR G | FEBR U AR Y 2 0 2 4 | Parks & Recreation 41