position to influence. I've become a better communicator with local politicians and effective in my approach to advocate for my agency. " Building the Park and Recreation Movement With one cohort complete and the second well underway, the PCI has already reached a diverse group of park and recreation professionals at different stages in their careers. Leaders come from all levels of an organization, not just executive or deputy directors. Bryanna Fogel, program associate with The Trust for Public Land, states, " I wanted to better advocate for my community. I had experience interning with my local park and recreation department and was studying parks and open space policy at the University of Pennsylvania, so I felt like I had a lot of knowledge, but I was struggling with how to turn that knowledge into action. PCI helped me recognize the existing power in my community and gave me the tools for engagement. It became a lot easier to propose sustainable change once I learned how to connect meaningfully with allies and resident experts who are willing to join the mission. " NRPA is committed to building the park and recreation movement by investing in its members and their ability to lead their communities. NRPA's Park Champions are NRPA is committed to building the park and recreation movement by investing in its members and their ability to lead their communities. the catalysts for change across the country. To join the movement and take action, please visit the advocacy page on NRPA's website (nrpa. org/Advocacy), subscribe to advocacy alerts and read more about the PCI program. The next cohort is waiting for you! Asia Simms is Park Champions Initiative Intern at NRPA (asimms@nrpa.org). Dan McCarthy is Senior Manager of Advocacy at NRPA (dmccarthy@nrpa.org). Creating Equity-Based System Master Plans NRPA's online tool can help you create master plans grounded in equity and inclusion. nrpa.org/ParkMasterPlanning PARK S ANDRECRE AT ION . OR G | FEBR U AR Y 2 0 2 3 | Parks & Recreation 19http://www.nrpa.org/ParkMasterPlanning